
Reasons Why Do You Need a Dental Implant and its Benefits

The teeth in the oral cavity consist of a crown that is visible in the mouth and the roots that are hidden or embedded in the jawbone. The roots provide stability and strength to the tooth to perform various functions. Due to many reasons, the tooth may not be able to function properly and dental health care professionals may recommend dental implants to replace faulty or non-functioning teeth.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium screws that are cylindrical in shape. It consists of two parts implant itself that acts as a root and the crown, which is placed on the top of it so that it performs the functions of the natural tooth. The material of the dental implants is biocompatible and placed surgically into the jawbone in place of a missing tooth. Dental Implant is a restorative option to replace non-functional, missing, or severely decayed teeth.  

Dental implants are biocompatible screws that act as roots of the tooth and a crown is then placed on the top of it that performs the functions of the tooth. This screw is surgically fixed into the jawbone.

Types of dental implants

Following are the two types of dental implants:

  • Endo-steal dental implants: These dental implants are surgically implanted into the jawbone.
  • Sub-periosteal implants: These dental implants sit directly on the bone, below the gums.

Dental implants are fixed into the jawbone in such a way that it provides a solid stable base for the crowns similar to the natural tooth roots. A single implant screw is required in place of the single tooth root and multiple screws are required if several tooth roots are missing.

Why do you need a Dental Implant?

Many people prefer dental implants because of their stability and ability to closely mimic natural teeth, which makes them the ideal tooth replacement option. Following are the top reasons to have a dental implant:

  • A dental implant is designed to mimic the structure and function of a natural tooth from the tooth root to the tooth crown. The implant is inserted into the gap left by the lost tooth and feels, functions, and seems exactly like a natural tooth.
  • Dental implants fully restore the fundamental functions similar to the natural teeth, such as the capacity to chew food and enunciate during speaking. Implants protect surrounding teeth from moving and do not threaten nearby healthy teeth.
  • When a tooth is lost, the supporting bone begins to deteriorate/dissolve. The weaker bone will ultimately break down, causing facial integrity to deteriorate and early indications of aging may appear. Osseointegration is a biological process in which the implant bonds to the bone, mimicking the root and promoting bone health.
  • With dental implants, patients are allowed to consume anything they want. Dental implants, unlike partial or complete dentures, will not cause problems during eating, or biting into fibrous meals, or having sticky foods. 
  • Dental implants are screwed into place, making them even more secure than natural teeth. The implant material can last a lifetime if cared for properly. Patients can also have their crowns quickly fixed if they get broken or worn. 
  • A lost tooth can result in a lot of issues that might be resolved if the tooth were replaced with a dental implant. Implants give a healthy and aesthetically pleasing smile as they are permanent and do not need to remove. 

Benefits of Dental Implants

There are many advantages to having implants in place of missing or non-functional teeth. Dental implants look more natural hence enhancing aesthetics. Most importantly, it improves chewing function. It also helps to recover speech and pronunciation of words. Besides, it also helps regain self-esteem and improves overall oral health.

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